From November 30 to December 12, 2023, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will host the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Dubai.
COP28 will be a milestone moment for global climate action. The COP28 Presidency’s two-week thematic program is geared towards responding to the Global Stocktake and closing the gaps to 2030. The Presidency has taken an inclusive approach to developing the thematic program. We are the first Presidency to hold an open consultation on thematic areas and sequencing, inviting inputs from a broad mix of stakeholders across government, business, civil society, youth, and Indigenous Peoples, among others. These consultations have helped to highlight the most pressing action areas for COP28 to progress, and the importance of their interconnectedness.
The program reflects the sectors and topics raised by stakeholders during consultations, including new actions areas like health, trade, relief, recovery, and peace. The thematic days programming also incorporates four cross-cutting themes that underpin effective, interconnected delivery: Technology & Innovation, Inclusion, Frontline Communities and Finance.
Nature, Land Use, and Oceans
Food, Agriculture, and Water
Final Negotiations
Opening Day
World Climate Action Summit
Health / Relief, Recovery, and Peace
Relief, Recovery, and Peace Day will focus on accelerating adaptation, preventing and addressing loss and damage, including in fragile and conflict-effected contexts, which face severe barriers to accessing climate finance and strengthening climate action.
Finance / Trade / Gender Equality / Accountability
Gender Equality Day will focus on gender-responsive policy-making and better access to finance to achieve for the Just Transition that advances gender equality and allows for the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women and girls in climate action.
In light of the global focus on private sector engagement, commitments, and finance, the program will additionally examine accountability mechanisms that help to turn promises and pledges into tangible results while boosting transparency.
Energy and Industry / Just Transition / Indigenous Peoples
The day will also address universal energy access and the needs of workers across the energy sector transition and will have an additional special focus on cooling as a critical mitigation and adaptation factor.
Indigenous Peoples Day will recognize the importance of Indigenous Peoples’ intergenerational knowledge, practices, and leadership in climate action and in stewarding planetary health, as well as mechanisms to improve their direct access to finance. The day will notably strengthen the role of Indigenous Peoples - and reinforce the urgency of a fully inclusive, all-of-society approach - in the just transition.
Multilevel Action, Urbanization, and Built Environment / Transport
Youth, Children, Education, and Skills
Nature, Land Use, and Oceans
Food, Agriculture, and Water
Final Negotiations
Opening Day
World Climate Action Summit
Health / Relief, Recovery, and Peace
Relief, Recovery, and Peace Day will focus on accelerating adaptation, preventing and addressing loss and damage, including in fragile and conflict-effected contexts, which face severe barriers to accessing climate finance and strengthening climate action.
Finance / Trade / Gender Equality / Accountability
Gender Equality Day will focus on gender-responsive policy-making and better access to finance to achieve for the Just Transition that advances gender equality and allows for the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women and girls in climate action.
In light of the global focus on private sector engagement, commitments, and finance, the program will additionally examine accountability mechanisms that help to turn promises and pledges into tangible results while boosting transparency.
Energy and Industry / Just Transition / Indigenous Peoples
The day will also address universal energy access and the needs of workers across the energy sector transition and will have an additional special focus on cooling as a critical mitigation and adaptation factor.
Indigenous Peoples Day will recognize the importance of Indigenous Peoples’ intergenerational knowledge, practices, and leadership in climate action and in stewarding planetary health, as well as mechanisms to improve their direct access to finance. The day will notably strengthen the role of Indigenous Peoples - and reinforce the urgency of a fully inclusive, all-of-society approach - in the just transition.
Multilevel Action, Urbanization, and Built Environment / Transport
Youth, Children, Education, and Skills
Nature, Land Use, and Oceans
Food, Agriculture, and Water
Final Negotiations
Sequencing and themes
Each day's programming incorporates four cross-cutting themes that underpin effective, interconnected delivery. These are: Technology & Innovation, Inclusion, Frontline Communities and Finance. Programming will explicitly include these themes through both content and speakers.