Inclusion will be the foundation of our Presidency, the tool that will enable us to collectively achieve ambitious outcomes at COP28. We will continue to work in collaboration with women, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, youth, people of determination, subnational actors, and faith-based organizations to ensure their contributions throughout our programs and outcomes. I remind Parties and observers of my joint call with the High-Level Champion, Youth Climate Champion, UNFCCC Executive Secretary, and the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth to emphasize the importance of gender-balanced delegations that include youth, indigenous, and subnational representatives. We are also committed to this diversity in all COP28 workstreams and events, and I will be issuing a letter to elaborate on our practices on inclusion and request implementation support from all delegations. I also reiterate our commitment to a safe, professional, and harassment-free experience for all delegates to COP28.
Within the UNFCCC process, we look to Parties and observers to continue prioritizing progress across ACE, Gender and Means of Implementation tracks including on Science, Technology, Innovation and Capacity Building, to ensure that solutions across mitigation, adaptation, and the GST response are sustained and shared by all. Under the guidance of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change, COP28 calls for Parties and non-state actors to increase direct access to finance for Indigenous Peoples and organizations to support their stewardship and leadership on climate, nature, biodiversity and planetary health.
Building on the progress of the Youth Envoy in COP27, the COP28 Youth Climate Champion, Minister Shamma Al Mazrui has elevated meaningful youth participation through programs such as the International Youth Delegates program (IYDP), which provides the opportunity for 100 youth from small island and developing states (SIDS), least developed countries (LDCS), as well as indigenous and climate vulnerable communities, to be included in the process for the first time. This program and others will continue to ensure that the voices of youth are front and center at COP28. We therefore seek your support in ensuring we honor our commitments made in the Glasgow Work Programme and the Sharm El Sheikh Implementation Plan by continuing the Youth Climate Champion role and ensuring youth are actively included in national delegations in a meaningful way so we can continue to collectively champion the voices of young people.
To ensure that we bring together this response to the GST in an effective way, we have taken an innovative and inclusive approach to the two-week program for COP28, as the first Presidency to consult on the schedule through an open process that received over 600 submissions. The program (detailed in Annex I) highlights the sectors and topics that stakeholders repeatedly raised in our consultations, including both standard fixtures of the COP agenda and new, essential topics like health, trade, and relief, recovery, and peace. To take one example, on Gender Day - intentionally held in conjunction with Finance Day - we will bring together all stakeholders to highlight ajoint commitment to a gender-just transition and the importance of direct access to climate financing for women and girls. We will also host a historic number of parliamentarians, mayors and local leaders. In this context, we are calling on parties and observers to commit – including in NDCS and NAPs – to the multilevel partnership required for critical areas such as buildings, transport, waste, water, and energy.
With this clarity on our shared vision and destination, we also need a shared road to get there. We have set out a roadmap of key events (annex II, published on website) where we can work together, especially to deliver an action agenda of super-charged solutions. This is complemented by Presidency-facilitated political processes to collectively raise ambition across the negotiations and the broader Action Agenda by the time we reach COP28.
My team and I look forward to embracing this historically urgent endeavor with you. We must unite, act and deliver.
Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber
COP28 President-Designate
UAE Special Envoy for Climate Change